Our Place in the World, 1757 Hudson Bay Region map, Pauojoungie Saggiak, Inuit

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Our Place in the World

1757 Karte von der Hudsons Bay und Strasse zur Allgemeinen Historie der Reisen

8" x 12" (image)

By: Pauojoungie Saggiak

Map Origin:  By Jaques Bellin, Paris.   Publication: Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zu Wasser und Lande.

This is a German edition of a chart of the Hudson Bay and Labrador, depicting the mountains and coastal features and including numerous forts. There is a note in German in the far northwest corner of the map explaining that the English had searched for a Northwest Passage in that region, but it did not exist. Embellished with a decorative rococo title cartouche.