Our Place in the World, 1757 Hudson Bay Region map, Pauojoungie Saggiak, Inuit
Our Place in the World
1757 Karte von der Hudsons Bay und Strasse zur Allgemeinen Historie der Reisen
8" x 12" (image)
By: Pauojoungie Saggiak
Map Origin: By Jaques Bellin, Paris. Publication: Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zu Wasser und Lande.
This is a German edition of a chart of the Hudson Bay and Labrador, depicting the mountains and coastal features and including numerous forts. There is a note in German in the far northwest corner of the map explaining that the English had searched for a Northwest Passage in that region, but it did not exist. Embellished with a decorative rococo title cartouche.